February 9 – It finally hit me…

That I’m a parent to a pre-teen. I went to go start my car and the hip hop station was on. Sigh.

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February 8 – Not too excited about the snow

The dogs, even though both have Lab in them, are not really that ok with the snow. Bridget tried to daintily dig for something and gave up (and she’s not dainty about anything! Lol). Leo just walked around, peed every 5 feet, then wanted in lol




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February 7 – Olympic Converts

I did it! I got my kids hooked on the Olympics!! Woo hoo! Even though they were tired, they managed to stay up for the whole ceremony.


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February 6 – My latest hobby

I started distressing furniture. I’ve found that I really enjoy it. Here are a few things I’ve done:







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February 5th – Today’s funnies

I told Olivia I was freezing.
Liv: You should put on a coat, Mom.
Me: I’m already wearing a lot of clothes!  I have a tank top on, a long sleeved shirt, jeans, socks, shoes.  What more should I need?
Liv: Maybe you should wear underwear.
Me:  First, I am, second, it wouldn’t help.
Liv: Well then, wear bigger ones!
The minds of these kids…lol


Olivia locked Jake out of the house while he was taking the garbage out, then conveniently “had to pee real bad!”  I’m trying to get stuff off my hands, and Jake’s dying to get in.  Now, that, in itself wasn’t bad, but the fact that my son, in all his wisdom, decided it would be a good idea to take the garbage out in shorts and snow boots.  Nothing else.  No shirt, nothing.  It was 9 degrees at the time.  Both kids had done chores to gain back some bags.  Jake earned one of the bags Liv was supposed to have because of it.  Lisa, your arm pit story reminded me about this from today LOL

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February 3 – Kids are so funny…

Two things:

1) Tonight, while eating dinner, I was discussing the name of my friend’s soon to be soon to be son.  His name is going to be Heston (yes, Brandy, we’re talking about you!) and I was telling Liv that it went with his big brother’s name, who is Hunter.  I told her that Jake’s name was originally supposed to be Hunter, but, by the time we got pregnant, I’d moved past that name, and so the name battled started.  It got to the point where I told Hank, we’ve narrowed it to 5 names.  Pick one and tell me by my baby shower (which he did, the night before, and I promptly called and told my mom, even though I wasn’t supposed to LOL).   Anyway, she said to Brett, “You know Brett, I’ll always like your name.  You know why?  Because it reminds me of barrette hair pretties!” LOL.

2) Jake was cleaning my shower and came flying out of my bathroom, mind you, he was in his underwear (which he was fully clothed when he went in there) and said, “You know, almost nothing is normal in this house!”  Truer words have never been spoken.

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February 1st- Look at the big brain on Melanie

I leaned over the stove to get some wood to add in to the fire and burned my arm. OUCH!!!


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My not so tiny dancer…

And by saying “not so tiny” I’m talking height. We had observation day in her tap class. I hadn’t realized how much taller she was than everyone else…






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January 30- My faithful friend

I was sitting on the floor, working on something when Leo came and laid right up against me. He’s so awesome. I love this boy so much!



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January 29

Liv took a huge bag of loom rubber bands into the tub because she wanted to “play” with them and I caught Jake attempting to drink water with a turkey baster-all within 2 minutes. Just another night in my house…sigh.

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